American Rainforest

Soil Composition

  • Over two-thirds of the world's rainforests, and three-fourths of the Amazonian rainforest can be considered "wet-deserts" in that they grow on red and yellow clay-like laterite soils which are acidic and low in nutrients
  • Many tropical forest soils are very old and impoverished, especially in regions—like the Amazon basin—where there has been no recent volcanic activity to bring up new nutrients
  • Amazonian soils are so weathered that they are largely devoid of minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which come from "rock" sources, but are rich with aluminum oxide and iron oxide that are required by it's many plant species
  • Rapid nutrient cycling (decomposition is much faster)
  • Our tours focus on observing from above ground, so the toxicity of the soil will not be a problem.