American Rainforest

Conservation Studies

There are constantly ongoing research studies on ways to conserve the natural beauty of the tropical rainforest, but the research is not obtrusive, and chances are you won't see any scientists on your visit here. 

Why is this important?

A Native American proverb says "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children". Our research into conserving the Amazon rain forest is important because of the role the rainforest plays in the world’s biome. The rain forest is home to a tenth of the world’s animal species and puts a large amount of oxygen back into the atmosphere. Without this amazing place, we wouldn't survive.  The tourism ideas we have would be low impact and would help conserve at least a small peice of one of the world's true natural wonders. If ecotourism were to become popular, this biome would be preserved and the world would see the benefits of the rain forest as well as its beauty.